You don’t have to be THE expert. You just need to be your CLIENT'S expert.
Lots of us feel like imposters when we first start freelancing, or whenever we increase our price.
Here are some things to consider if you feel this way:
Focus on your client’s specific needs by understanding their pain points and offering solutions that address their challenges.
Make your expertise relevant to them.
Clients invest in solutions—be confident that you’re worth it.
Speak their language.
Keep your communication clear and relatable. Educate them on the process, making it easy for them to see the value you bring.
Build long-term relationships by being a partner. Show clients you’re not just a service provider but a partner in their success.
Prove your impact by using testimonials and case studies to demonstrate how you’ve been a game-changer for other clients.
Let your results speak for you.
Hopefully, this helps you.